$50.00 USD

Ke ao polohiwa a Kanaloa - The Winter Solstice

Aloha kåkou and Welcome to Hua 'Åina's workshop series. My name is Lei and I will be your guide as we traverse the magical knowing of Hawai’i through a scope of an indigenous Kanaka Hawai’i . (Person)

In this workshop, we will engage on a journey that will take us through the thoughts and practices of Hawai'i in relation to the Hawai'i environment and how that can relate to you and crosses cultures around the world.

The winter solstice in Hawaiʻi will be upon us very soon, around December 21.  We celebrate this time of the year as a three day timeframe, December 20, 21, 22.   This is the time of Kanaloa.  Our workshop will be engaging with the Kanaloa through the movement of the celestial and universal revelations.  

In this workshop we will :

  • Find out Who is  Kanaloa?  
  • Who is Kanaloa and how this relates to Hawaii Environmental processes.
  • Kaʻao (stories) and Oli (chants) that celebrate this season.